New Life Motto:
“Growing People to Lead, Live and Love”

New Life Purpose Statement:
“We exist to to move people from membership to multiplication”

New Life Mission Statement:
“New life is a community of growing Christians, who serve the Gaithersburg and surrounding area by leading in innovation and contemporary ministry, living Spirit filled lives, and loving others by meeting their most important needs.”

New Life Bedrock Text
“For I am confident of this one thing, that He who began a good work in you will continue it until He comes.” Philippians 1:6

Membership with Responsibility
As members of New Life we commit to:


  1. Discipleship: Leading one (1) person to Christ per year
  2. Friendship: Inviting four (4) friends/relatives/co-workers to church per year
  3. Partnership: Being involved in at least one (1) service ministry
  4. Fellowship: Joining/leading at least two (2) Grow U classes per year
  5. Stewardship: Being faithful to God by returning 10% of our increase in tithe, and supporting ministry at New Life by giving an offering
  6. Worship: Developing a devotional plan that includes praying for our church daily